artiste interdisciplinaire / interdisciplinary artist / artiste visuelle / visual artist / artiste de la performance / performance artist / co-performeuse avec l'environnement vivant / co-performer with the living environment / researcher / chercheure / herbalist / herboriste / facilitatrice / facilitator / environmental polyagricultural permaculture educator through art / sensibilisatrice à l'environnement, polyagriculture et permaculture par l'art
- .drawings-paintings-prints, photography, process art, performance, sculpture, installation. /. public art../.social sculpture./.dessins-peintures-impressions.photographie, art processuelle, performance, installation, sculpture. / .art public./.sculpture sociale.
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- .InTerreArt
- .archives.
- .démarche statement.
- Publications - revue de presse - revue d'art - Art Magazines
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Detail of Nicole Fournier performing "Feet on table, harvesting action"
photo by John Dykeman
The Live Dining Concept continues to be applied and adapted, evolving in time. Backyard Live Dining 2008 has evolved to include Live Dining Furniture, in process.
"Norms of table manners" - a foot on the table, feet on the table. A new Live Dining Table designed, with glass surface table top (found window pane), stand bare foot, on table top, to harvest "table top" polyculture agriculture.
A new Live Dining Table, is made with materials found in the garbage, such as old windows, an old part of a table that I purposely left out over the winter, and pieces of discarded wood and plywood, as well as clippings of cedar, yarrow and clover mixed with soil.
A new Live Dining Chair is in process of maybe will be finished soon, images to come soon.....
Brooklyn, New York City - March 28th, 2008 "Dining, Vegetable Peels & Color"
Nicole Fournier performing at GRACE EXHIBITION SPACE (holding up evidence of staining with strawberries)
"Dining, Vegetable Peels & Color", performance by Nicole Fournier, as part of "INTIMATE / TRANSPARENT",
involves peeling vegetables (such as carrots and beets) and, on a pile of soil, making a design with the vegetables peels. The audience will be invited to peel, cut, stain and cook vegetables with me and then we dine together upon the meal we have prepared.
Beginning in 2004, Fournier’s performances have embraced participatory and environmental aesthetics that explore collaboration and intimate actions in public contexts (on privately or publicly owned land). Her site specific concept of “Live Dining”, since 2005, is about edible and non-edible as well as both wild and cultivated plants, as essential elements of dining.
Vision de Nicole Fournier mandat d'InTerreArt / art contemporain / Art Éco interdisciplinaire
InTerreArt a été fondé en février 2008, pour réaliser et disséminer la vision interdisciplinaire d’art de Nicole Fournier , rassemblant Art-Communautés-Environnement : Art se définit par pratiques d’art engagées « LifeArt » (inclusive des disciplines en Arts et Sciences & non-disciplines, connaissances traditionnelles, ancestrales écologiques pour la santé de tous); Communautés est la diversité de peuples et individus, leurs participation par leurs créativités et voix uniques. Environnement reflète notre contact direct avec la Nature, Sa Biodiversité (les trillions d’espèces micro à macro), nos interconnexions, les cycles de la vie, la créativité dans le 3RV (réemploi, recyclage, réduction à la source), santé et alimentation reconnecté directement à la la planète. Ainsi promouvoir la polyagriculture, l’agriculture urbaine, flore & faune urbain, verdissement des villes et ressources naturelles urbains. Parler urbain pour addresser la population lié aux enjeux locaux et globaux. Car si nous pouvons vivre plutôt à l’échelle local nous pourrons laisser le reste de la planète tranquille, et arrêter la destruction de la biodiversité de nos forêts planétaires. L’idée est que nos ressources naturelles proviennent de l’innovation d’agriculture écologique urbaine et périurbaine, en lien avec la croissance et l’intégration des écosystèmes de la flore et faune urbain et périurbain de nos villes.
InTerreArt was founded in February 2008, to realize and disseminate Nicole Fournier’s interdisciplinary art vision of bringing together Art-Communities-Environnement, that is, engaged art practices, which include nondisciplines and disciplines in arts, sciences, traditional ecological knowledge, environmental health and social services, participation of community members, sustainable greening of cities, biodiversity, urban agriculture, urban wilderness, as Art, in addressing environmental issues on a local and global scale. International inspiration between 1950’s – 80’s include: Suzanne Lacy (engaged art practices), Joseph Beuys ("social sculpture"), Agnes Denes, Fluxus, Allan Kaprow, Linda Montano.